Everyone is allowed to have a movie star crush - more, if you just can't make up your mind.
I had a crush for a long time on Paul Newman. Yes, I know he was like way out of my age range, but you can't tell me that you've forgotten his awesomeness in his young prime (though he never really lost his "prime" - up to his death in 2008. If you've forgotten, allow me to refresh your memories!
My first Paul Newman movie - Cool Hand Luke (left) - is all a vague memory now, but I do remember gawking at the lead character with blue eyes; such a handsome feller. I honestly don't remember much of the movie. It's been that long - I sense a near future viewing of Cool Hand Luke! I do remember his smile - rather his smirk - being this natural, fun, easy going mark on his face that pulled in everyone around him, including me. It was because of Paul Newman's "Luke" that my preferences in the "physical appearances" of the opposite sex came to fruition:
(1) Jaw line
(2) Smile
(3) Eyes
Paul will always be my first movie star crush. No one will ever take that spot from him. I've always heard that you'll never forget your first love; that's everything from cars and video games to movie star crush to first kiss. Even when he was starting to show his age - example: Color of Money (right) - I still swooned over Newman. His voice got a bit more huskier, his smile more endearing and his eyes, well, the twinkle in his eyes always made me melt. His performance in Message in a Bottle with Kevin Costner - whimper - let's just say that I first watched that movie to compare it to the novel (by Nicholas Sparks), but I watched it for the second and third time(s) just to see how Newman portrayed Dodge. Aw hell, I might as well admit it. I even tried a few salad dressings, because it was Newman's Own. Obsess much? I don't really think of it as an obsession. I never hung posters of him on my wall, nor did I ever meet the guy. (I would've loved to have met him!)
After Road to Perdition, Newman somewhat faded into the the background for me. That's when my family's movie love for all Jet Li introduced me to my longest star crush yet: Jason Statham.
Sure, he may have this odd looking nose, but you must admit it - don't lie to yourself! Whether you're a man or a woman - you end up staring at Statham's body, and your bottom jaw hits the floor. However, it wasn't his body that first dragged me into having a new star crush. His jaw line, his smirk and the rasp in his voice were the first three knock-outs (in that order too). His role as the intergalactic cop chasing Jet Li in The One was enough for me to pay attention to him. He pulled off the character just right, if you ask me, and his roles in the movies that I watched afterwards (The Italian Job, Transporter) were just supporting evidence that made him my leading man and "new" movie star crush.
Though I believe Crank did not do Statham justice whatsoever, his role as "Frank" in the Transporter trilogy was his signature role in my eyes. His performance as Crawford in War - though I have openly expressed my disdain of the storyline - I found quite well done, same for Jet Li, respectively. Death Race I watched only because of Statham, but like War, I found the story brief and lacking - not in action but in story. Statham's "Christmas" in The Expendables was romantically powerful (don't judge, I'm a girl!) and brutally awesome. The second description actually goes for the entire cast. I haven't gotten a chance to watch The Mechanic yet, where Statham is joined by Ben Foster, but I plan on watching it.
Either way, in pretty much every movie I've seen Mr. Jason Statham in, his star crush power in my life was slam dunked with each and every role. The raspy deep voice, the powerful jaw line, the ridiculously handsome and playful smirk... I just couldn't resist him. (Not to mention the body, oh dear god that body....)
No one has ever come close to taking Statham's spot on my star crush list. I've always had my top 5 actors list, but my star crush list was always simple: Top 3. Sean Connery was #2 (after Newman) for the longest of time, only to drop to #3 when Matt Damon popped into my life. Then, once Statham came into the picture, Connery dropped out of the Top 3. Clive Owen kicked Damon out of #2, but I refused to give Newman a boot, so Damon and Newman shared #3. Wow, I sound like a dork. Where am I going with this? There's a problem in my star crush paradise! Statham has competition, and it's not like "oh, it's a close second." This is like "Cena loses WWE Championship belt to The Miz" competition. (Wait, Cena did lose the belt to The Miz, but he did get the belt back. Still, it's like when Cena lost the belt.) Whose coming into the picture?
The newest addition to the Terminator family, Sam Worthington. What's so special about him? He doesn't have Statham's body. He doesn't have a strong jaw line like Owen or Newman. After watching Terminator Salvation, I kept replaying one scene (then I just kept replaying the movie):
Blair: Thank you for saving me back there. You don't find a lot of good guys nowadays.
Marcus: I'm not a good guy.
Blair: Sure you are. You just don't know it yet.
(I would've had a clip, but I'm not as well geared as I want to be. Soon enough. Soon. Enough.)
That one scene sent Sam Worthington to my star crush list, but where the heck to place him? It was hard to place him on my list. Then, I watched Avatar. James Cameron's use of Worthington wasn't enough for me, thus throwing him off my list.

Sam Worthington managed to do what no actor has been able to do: He pulled me in through his acting. Seriously, he did, and to make sure he was doing that, I watched Geoffrey Wright's 2006 Australian rendition of Macbeth. You all know how there's a "Modern" Romeo & Juliet with DiCaprio and Danes and Hamlet with Hawke and Shepard, well, 2006 Macbeth uses Uncle William's language in a Modern day underground world of corruption in Australia. Guess what? Worthington knocked the ball out of the ballpark as Macbeth. Again, the believable naivety in the early stages of the movie and the powerful finale grabbed me by my invisible balls.
Macbeth secured Worthington's star crush status, but I fear his position is a questionable one. I don't want to lose Statham as #1, but Worthington has proved himself worthy. He may not have Statham's body or Newman's jaw line, but he does have the adorable smirk and the intense eyes... not to mention, the sucker punch acting. Oh my goodness, I think I've settles this Tale of Two Star Crushes....
I'm so sorry, Jason, but there's a new guy in town...
The New #1 |
Sam Worthington |
Until Next time - Ichi review
P.S. Worthington just kicked a 9 year star crush veteran down to second place! I feel as if I should mourn for Statham, at least for a day or two. Right?
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