Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Double Feature Review! (Going bi-polar)

I'm saying that I'm going bi-polar, because I'm covering two extremely different movies. (runs to flip a coin) I get to start with my girl, Milla Jovovich, in The Fourth Kind and close with my pre-teen guilty pleasure movie, Clueless with Alicia Silverstone. As I said: Extremely different movies.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Ichi: The Blind Swordsman... I mean, woman

Tale of Two Star Crushes (May 8, 2011)

Everyone is allowed to have a movie star crush - more, if you just can't make up your mind.

Human Centipede (May 7, 2011)

I lasted 10 minutes after the operation. That was it. My biggest mistake, I think, was the fact that I had just fixed dinner - steak and eggs - when I put in the movie. I ended up turning away from the movie, taking a few bites and gagging, my hands were shaking the entire time too. I felt a little lightheaded too. I'm such a wuss when it comes to movies like this. It's not the horrific parts, it's just the idea of the whole situation - making a human centipede - being plausible. I find the thought disgusting, and as much as I want to believe that there's no one who would do such a thing, I have this itching fear that there is one insane person in the world who would dare try such a "project."

Movie Trailers (April 28, 2011)

I don't know about you, but I love movie trailers. I correct myself: I love good movie trailers. Some trailers give away too much of the movie that you know what's going to happen, others miss the awe factor to attract your attention and interest, and a few handful - for me at least - really hit the spot.

Night Junkies movie review (April 26, 2011)

I am not a huge horror/thriller movie fan. I'm a big wuss, and I mean, BIG WUSS. I watched Ju-on (The Grudge) during daylight, and I still had daymares (nightmares during daytime hours). I watched Nightmare on Elm Street, knowing full well that Freddy's not real, and I still screamed, jumped on and clung to my other half when I realized that the closet door was open. I still can't watch any of the Chucky movies, and I'm still terrified of clowns from my viewing of Stephen King's IT at a young age.